
Monday, November 1, 2010

The Launch of

This is kind of a "meta" post; if you're not a food blogger, you might be bored.

Boston(-area) food (and drink) bloggers are wonderful, talented, and above all, enthusiastic. Late this afternoon, I unchecked the "private" button on a little site I had been putting together, Boston Food Bloggers. I sent a launch email to the 85ish bloggers whose emails I could easily track down, and I sent out a tweet, and within minutes, I received countless emails and tweets from people wanting to get on the blogger list and share ideas for ways to improve the site. Even as I'm writing this post, more emails are coming in. I knew there were a lot of blogs around here, but I had no idea there were so many...and they all look wonderful. I haven't had dinner yet. Why am I torturing myself by looking at your blogs?

For now, the site consists of (a) a mega (and growing) database of Massachusetts food and drink blogs with author names and Twitter/Facebook links where available and (b) a slightly out-of-date events calendar. Many new features are coming soon, and I hope to start organizing some meet-ups in the near future!

Thank you all for your support, and I look forward to building - with your input - into a site that helps us all connect, learn, and grow. Feel free to pass the word along on Twitter, your blog, word of mouth, etc. and let me know if you have any ideas for the site!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting this together! I got your email but haven't had a chance to repond... but I did go and check out the site, and I think it's great!!
