MiniBites are short, random posts that I'll be writing in between the full restaurant reviews. They might be mini-reviews of one particular aspect of a restaurant, stories of kitchen mishaps, or other random bits of foodiness. So, whenever you see that MiniBite icon, get ready for a fast bit of foodie fun :)On days when I have a convenient lunch break between classes, I often find myself at Noodle Street, a quaint little pan-Asian noodle-filled restaurant on Comm Ave, right near the BU East stop on the green line B. The menu is frighteningly cheerful, featuring cheesy cartoons of street signs, buses, and a little blond boy named Jamo who guides you through the choices. The many, many choices.
Anyway, one day I stumbled on something called Sweet Lime Soup. According to the description, it's a "light and healthy Cambodian style soup with pineapples, tomatoes, celery, and fried garlic garnish." I fell in love. You can choose from a variety of noodles, veggies, meat, wontons, etc. to put in it, and it's just amazing. It's almost a sweet and sour broth, but with a strong lime flavor, and the pineapples are so good.
Tonight, it's rainy, I'm stressed, and I want some lime soup. I've been doing homework all day (and will probably continue to do so all night) but I'm taking a break at 9pm for the season premiere of Dexter, pretty much the only TV show I actually watch. All I want to do is eat some lime soup and watch Dexter.
Noodle Street doesn't deliver to my area.
I scoured Google for lime soup in a Boston restaurant and came up with nothing. Grumbling, I got back to work, forgetting about dinner, but my boyfriend called Bangkok Bistro (Cleveland Circle) and tried to describe the soup to them to see if they could make it. (A lot of Noodle Street's food is Thai, but I forgot that this soup was described as Cambodian-style.) Bangkok Bistro tried very hard to figure out what Ben was talking about, but they just didn't know, so I settled on a different soup that's on its way to my door at this very moment.
But I desperately want to find another place that has this lime soup, a place that might deliver to me.
Do you know of any other restaurants that have Cambodian-style lime soup? Please leave a comment if you do!
That sounds alot like the hot and sour soup, Canh Chua, which has a tamarind soup base, that I've had at Vietnamese restaurants. It usually comes with lime, basil and mint on the side which you can add on your own.