
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Introducing 2 Dine For Boston

For the last two and a half years, Joel has been a good sport, not only tolerating but really embracing my food blogging. (Perhaps it has something to do with the free food perks that he often enjoys without having to worry about actually writing anything?) Not only does he wait patiently while our food gets cold as I photograph it, but he helps with lighting and styling. And tasting the things that I don't want to eat. And providing feedback ranging from vulgar to sarcastic to legitimately helpful. And doing most of the cooking. He's even written a few guest posts here on Fork it over, Boston!

Back in August, we met a new member of the Boston Food Bloggers community, Kevin (The Mighty Rib), a recent transplant from Houston. We got to know him through a variety of blogger events and get-togethers, and after a few months, he told us about a Houston-based food website called 2 Dine For, where he is the Director of Communication. They were looking for duos in other cities to expand the "he said, she said" restaurant review concept, and Boston was on the short list. We loved the idea and the design of the site, and we jumped onboard.

Fast forward to today, the launch of 2 Dine For Boston. Now Joel gets to join in the fun more than ever as we both get equal say about our favorite (and not-so-favorite) restaurants in and around Boston. We'll be posting new reviews weekly as well as participating in some other features on the site, such as product reviews (fEATures) and event recaps (Around Town). As I do for my other external writing gigs, I'll publish excerpts of new posts here with a link to the full post on 2 Dine For Boston. You can also keep track of us in the following ways:

Have a recommendation for a place we should check out? Comments, criticism, etc.? Send an email to our official 2 Dine For email addresses: Rachel and Joel.

(I'll still be blogging over here as well.)

Thanks for following us, and we look forward to sharing our food adventures with you!

Photos by David W. Aquilina.

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