Wednesday, August 6, 2008

From Rochester to Boston

I've just arrived in Boston from Rochester, NY. I'm not really new, though; I grew up in Sharon, about 25 miles south of Boston, and then spent five years in Rochester for college and a year of lab work. It's good to be back! About three months before my impending move away from Rochester, the Rochester Insider, a weekly paper focusing on entertainment, asked me to be an official blogger for their site. I spent a few months happily blogging about food and a little bit of science, and then I moved.

I'll still be writing about my kitchen mishaps over at that blog, but since the Rochester readers probably don't care about specific Boston restaurants, I'll be bringing the restaurant review part of my blog over here. If you're interested in my sometimes painful attempts at cooking, my microwave experiments, or my dinner parties, I'll be posting about those once or twice a week at the Insider.

As for this blog, I'll be writing about my adventures eating my way through Boston and the surrounding areas. Feel free to leave any suggestions--I'm always looking for new stuff to try :)

The first few posts will be coming soon, in between massive sessions of putting together Ikea furniture and unpacking boxes, but for now, you can check out one of my older posts on the Rochester blog called A Taste of New England, where I played tourist for a few days, visiting Boston, Gloucester, and Rockport.
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